MISFN Annual Meeting 2021
Poster and Abstract Submission
Submission deadline: Sept. 17, 2021
Abstracts will be made available prior to the meeting as a downloadable file.
Abstract Guidelines:
Abstracts are limited to one printed page. We suggest using the format prescribed by the Society for Neuroscience. Many participants submit either their current SFN abstract or one from the previous year.
Abstract must be submitted in .pdf or .doc format (.pdf preferred)
The name of the uploaded file should begin with the presenting autors last name
Program themes are based on those prescribed by the Society for Neuroscience (major themes A - J; we do not use the listed sub-themes).
Please include the title and author listing on the abstract document you will upload! This is to ensure that your abstract can be readily identified in the program.
Poster Submission Guidelines:
Posters will be uploaded to "Gather Town" for the meeting, so all posters need to be submitted in advance.
Posters should be submitted in .png, .jpg, or .webp format. Do not upload a Powerpoint file!
The poster should be at least 1000px for the width (26.46 cm) and at least 600px for the height (13.23 cm)
The maximum file size is 3MB
Poster Awards:
Five poster awards will be given in the categories shown below; each award is $200
Those that completed programs in 2020-2021 may enter poster competitions of their former status if desired. For example, if work being presented was completed in 2020-2021 as an undergraduate, but you have already graduated, you may still enter the undergraduate competition.
Award Categories:
2 Undergraduate Awards
2 Graduate Awards
1 Post-Doctoral/Research Associate Award
Click here to access poster judge scoring rubric.
PLEASE NOTE: Abstract and poster submission DOES NOT automatically register you for the meeting! Registration (here) must be completed separately.