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For Mentors

Wheat Field

Why become a mentor?

Mentors play a key role in helping students navigate their career paths, develop their scientific interests and skills, achieve success in science and life, and learn how to express and advocate for themselves. On the way, mentors will become better leaders, will gain new perspectives and ideas, and will make a positive, lasting impact our field.

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Science Researcher

For Mentees

Why seek out a mentor?

Identity-based mentors provide students with role models that connect shared identity with future success. As such, these mentoring relationships also become a safe haven for vulnerable conversations. Moreover, mentors with shared identities can provide career advice that is disconnected from the norms of other social and cultural groups. Ultimately, these relationships can foster a sense of belonging and connectedness that can buffer against storms of self-doubt.

Colleagues Working Together

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University Student

Legal Disclaimer:  The inclusion of a listing here does not constitute or imply endorsement or approval by the Michigan Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience or the universities, colleges, or companies affiliated with these individuals.

Mentor Bureau Contact:

Michigan Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience

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